While journaling, (yes I journal AND blog, I have to have some type of privacy) I decide to read back through some of my notes I have made throughout the past year. I was struck by a comment I wrote during a sermon delivered by Eric Thonnes during Spiritual Renewal week spring of my Senior year.
One, Eric Thonnes is a baller. Two, he was discussing Depending on Christ through Ephesians 1:3-5, 2:1-10, however it is an analogy he used that jumped off the page.
I simply wrote, "Simba, remember who you are."
For those of you who don't know what I am referring to. Close this page, get in your car and drive to the most convenient video rental facility and pick up the movie The Lion King. Embrace how awesome it is, and enjoy being caught up with the rest of the world.
Lately, I have looked at my reflection in the mirror and not really known who is looking back at me. For the disney freaks reading this, I should put a clever little pun about the power ballad in Mulan with a similar theme...but I'll choose to pass.
Don't get me wrong, I like parts of me. But, I look at myself and see fingerprints of the PEOPLE that have impacted my life. All great people, but the fact of the matter is there people. People are screwed up. Even more importantly, I have noticed a fingerprint that is missing, Christ's.
This kind of scared me. Have I fallen into the all to common trap of Christian Culture to seek counsel below before/without seeking counsel above? Unfortunately, I think that I have.
So, it's time to remember who I am, a child of the King, just like the problem Simba faced in the movie. His crisis of confidence and identity almost cost him his rightful place on the thrown. He was a child of the King, and so am I.
The good thing about fingerprints is they aren't always permanent. I can easily wipe the bad one's off and maintain the good one's. Most importantly, it's letting the fingerprint that matter's most, prominent and permanent.