Monday, July 13, 2009

Whoa Life

March 8th?

I haven't posted since March 8th? Wow, life does go by fast. This is where I would stick in my favorite Ferris Bueller Quote but the loyal readers already know it, and if you don't shame on you and go rent the movie now.

Since my last post I have become a "functioning member of society," I have a 40 hour a week job in a cubicle with a missions organization. It has truly been a blessing to me serve the Lord by providing means for his people to minister around the world. I am thankful everyday for my job. 

However, it is a job, and working for a Christian Organization is not exempt from life. We are all fallen people, even those who have devoted themselves to cross-cultural ministry or helping those entering the ministry. 

I started on April 15th, my 3 month anniversary will be Wednesday which is very important. It means that I am official and they like me doing my job after my review, which has already happened and let me assure something, they like me, they really like me.

The only downside to my job is the start date. Smack dab in the middle of spring and the brink of summer, when the world wakes up from its heinous hibernation and enjoys new smells and warm temperatures. However, I have been confined to a cubicle. 

I have been told it's a good thing. I have a job that loves me, and a job that I do love. However, as most of you are expecting there is a but. It's the unavoidable 'but' that a non-tied-down-20-something-year-old faces. With no reason to stay in one spot...the question becomes..

Why am I here?

What is keeping me here, amidst my life a hectic schedule that has changed from a once light and lovely come as I go and do what I want life (hate that I just used that phrase), to one where my summer schedule was booked half way through May. Life has become a checklist and it is frustrating. 

Instead of the anticipation of a weekend event (Downey's Wedding) or a trip next week (July 20th-24th leading high schoolers on an outdoor adventure leadership development trip...yes that's baller) I have to take things day by day, plan my life out into a checklist. Not exciting events, but appearances and appointments.

When asked if this is what life is...I get the response I was dreading. 

"Welcome to the Real World, it is what it is."


I don't take kindly to being told that my life is going to be a checklist.

Instead, I wanna look at life as Donald Miller views it. Not necessarily every theological point he agrees with, but this idea of life as a living, breathing story. Something that has already been written, but a story that needs more than a half willing participant to make it happen. It needs someone to run through the story enjoying every minute of it with a smile, a laugh, ora thought. 

In his book Through Painted Deserts, he writes in his Author Note this gem of a quote, I really couldn't sum up life better than he could (maybe if I could, I would be an author living life one cup of coffee and one chapter of a book at a time), but instead I leave you with his impression of life.

"No, life cannot be understood on a flat page. It has to be lived; a person has to get out of his head, has to fall in love, has to memorize poems, has to jump off bridges into rivers, has to stand in an empty desert and whisper sonnets under his breath:  

I'll tell you how the sun rose
A ribbon at a time..."