Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Choose your own Adventure

Robert Frost talked about the road less traveled....getting to a spot where the road we are taking splits and goes into two different directions. One, the beaten comfortable path and one the less traveled....he chose the less traveled path.

For my generation, we know it as the choose your own adventure books. We eagerly read the first ten pages just to be confronted with a choice... usually it intended something along the lines of going into a very creepy door, or running the opposite direction in an effort to live. Most importantly, we dreaded reading the book and realizing we had chose the wrong path and died.

With these books being such a huge part of most people's childhoods now a days it is easy to see why many 20 somethings are petrified by making the "wrong choice." I myself am not exempt from this at all. Literally, 20 minutes ago I set up my first real job interview post a corporate event marketing firm.

For most people that know me, they are wondering....why on earth am I trying to get a job at a corporate place. I am petrified of being a corporate cubical junkie that wastes away the best part of the day doing work. So, I am worried that if this job actually happens my next chapter will have a dreadfully awful illustration of my back to a cubical working way to hard for not enough money.

But then I realized one important thing. At the end of every chapter in life theres another choice, a chance to reinvent maybe I am actually make the right move...heck maybe this is a transition chapter where there is no right or wrong move?  

Let the adventure begin...

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