Tonight I watched the movie August Rush and the idea of musical footsteps took on a whole different meaning. The young boy heard music wherever he went at one point he said he believes in music like people believe in fairy tales. This music came from everything, and he hoped the music he heard would lead him to his long lost parents.
I am here to tell you that this movie is closer to real life then many I have seen.
No, I am not here to tell you that I quit a rock band, sold out and moved to california, and am unaware of an illegitimate child I had with a world class cellist.
What I am here to tell you is that if we open our ears the music will enter, and it will lead us to go...and when I say music I mean the holy spirit. Sometime we don't want to hear it, sometime we are ignorant to it's call, and sometimes we may just not be listening, but no matter what when we open our ears we can hear exactly where to go.
My second favorite quote of the movie is the part where he said "they heard the music and followed it."
That my friend is the part where movie is way better then reality. In the end, (spoiler alert) long lost lovers reunite in a musical performance by there young child in central park, everything ends happy, and I shed a few tears.
Now, I am not suggesting that by any means that by following the holy spirit our life will end in a climatic scene of happiness, in fact we are promised the opposite. But our lives will be giving the meaning so many of us look for in our jobs, our relationships, or any last bit of control we decide to keep on our lives. So my advice (completely realizing that none of you come to my blog for advice but to read what jacked up thoughts go in my head)?
Follow the music.