Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Musical Footsteps

First off...Happy December!

Okay, as always inspiration has hit. However this time I didn't realize it was hitting me until about a week after I first discovered it. Currently, I am completely obsessed with Taylor Swift's CD Fearless. In particular, the first single Love Story has caught my attention...and not for reasons you may think.

No, this will not be a blog about relationships.

However, this song is strikingly different then many popular songs on the radio, maybe it's because the artist actually wrote the song. This song is a clear narrative with different character's and story development. It got me thinking.

What if we had a soundtrack to our lives? What would it sound like? Would it mean every footstep had a set pitch or beat? Would there be ominous music right before I did something stupid? Most cool would that be!

Now, I am NOT talking about anything like High School Musical with people singing and dancing everywhere. But, what if life was set to music? It would add a certain epic quality to the life were living. I mean, how many movies are famous not so much for their plot, but the music playing in the background?

And lets be serious, who doesn't want to live an epic life? I would be lying to you if I said it would not be cool to have a soundtrack to my life WHILE I am living it, and not in retrospect. Full of crescendoing moments when my heart would start to race and tempo changes when I take my life into a different direction.

Usually, this part of my blog would be dedicated to unpacking my thoughts and coming up with a moral of the story. This time however, I will digress. I frankly just think it would be cool to have musical footsteps. Heck, if it could happen I would like to think my life would go platinum...but I'd settle for gold.

1 comment:

Vix Pix said...

i'm disappointed in your lack of posts. what am i to do at work? eat lunch with me today. and dinner.