Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cabin Fever

Winter rocks in december. The combination of Christmas lights, snow, and happy people just make everything look that much better.

However, it is January and I am kinda over it. The cold is colder, the snow is deeper, the christmas lights are gone, and have been replaced with a world full of people eager to fulfill their New Year's Resolutions and people to make fun of the afore mentioned group.

With the wind chill being -7 currently in Chicago, or as my mother calls it booger freezing weather, I should be content to stay inside and continue to search for jobs on the internet. But, it shouldn't surprise anyone when I say this, I am going to go crazy.

Why is it that as soon as every major news network in Chicago says don't leave your house unless it's necessary I want to go on a drive just for the sake of driving. What is it about someone telling you what you shouldn't do or about how you should do something makes you want to do the exact opposite?

Currently, living at home as almost drove me nuts. I hate when people tell me what to do(with the exception of a set work heirarchy), I don't know what it is about someone telling me what to do, how to do it or when to do it (which is probably the worst) it just makes my skin crawl. Especially things that I don't think are a necessity, like my room being messy. My room is messy so what, who cares, it doesn't affect you so I shouldn't have to clean it on your schedule. 

Whoa, sorry for the vent moment.

Anyways, with a blizzard about to hit Chicago (reportedly) I am already itching to go out...hopefully the itch will go away...and soon.

Again, I am going to blog for the sake of blogging and not try to explain some deep answer...so if you expected some answer for the reason of people rebelling...I can't give you one...sorry bout ya.

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