Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Okay, so there are many things that a college graduate does, for those of us who have not found jobs yet we spend our days getting addicted to new television shows...my new addiction is a show called Greek.

Greek is on ABC Family and it portrays (which I have been told it portrays it quite accurately) the Greek system at a ficitional college in Ohio. Two fraternitys and one sorority are shown doing the expected drunken antics all under the umbrella of brotherhood/sisterhood respectively. 

Maybe it is because of my increasing desire to try college over again, but I couldn't help but draw parallels to this show and Taylor. Now, here me out none of these references have anything do with alcohol.

Each wing at Taylor obviously has it's own distinct reputation...when I lived on Third West we were known for wild antics, intramural dominence, and above all chasing each other around in a cloud of paranoia with a melon and gourd.

However, one thing that Greek has shown me it is not what the rest of the campus sees that defines their fraternity, it's actually the things that goes on behind closed doors that enhances their sense of brotherhood and turns them into men.

Well, I will not get into what ever went on behind close doors I can tell you that the men I lived on Third West for 2 years are my brothers. I love them very much and it will be weird to live my life this year not around any of them.

So...what are my greek letters? Most fraternitys and sororitys identify themselves with three letters...I've got 5....